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FKS World Cup Soccer Stars - Mexico 70

England Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Czech'a El Salv'r Israel Italy Mexico Morocco Peru Rumania Russia Sweden Uruguay W. Ger.


Sweden played in Group B in Mexico, the Group which proved to be the tightest and perhaps the most uninteresting due to the dearth of goals. Sweden lost 1-0 to Italy, then drew 1-1 with Israel. They beat Uruguay 1-0 in their final match but missed out on qualifying for the Quarter Finals on goal difference. In Group B there were a total of six games for a total of six goals!

Scorers: Turesson, Grahn.

225. Kurt Axelsson 226. Leif Eriksson 227. Ove Grahn 228. Roland Grip 229. Ronnie Hellstrom 230. Hans Johansson
231. Ove Kindvall 232. Krister Kristensson 233. Bo Larsson 234. Roger Magnusson 235. Bjorn Nordqvist 236. Orjan Persson
  237. Ronney Pettersson 238. Hans Selander 239. Tommy Svensson 240. Tom Turesson  

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