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FKS World Cup Soccer Stars - Mexico 70

England Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Czech'a El Salv'r Israel Italy Mexico Morocco Peru Rumania Russia Sweden Uruguay W. Ger.


Bulgaria came into this World Cup with high hopes, which were dashed early on in Group d.

In their first game they were leading Peru 2-0 at half-time, only to lose 3-2. A 5-2 loss to West Germany followed, and then a 1-1 draw with Mexico. A single point from their three games, and an early trip home for the Bulgarians.

Scorers for Bulgaria: Demendjiev, Bonev, Nikodimov, Kolev, Zhechev (not pictured).

65. Stefan Aladjov 66. Georgi Asparoukhov 67. Christo Bonev 68. Dinko Dermendjiev 69. Ivan Dimitrov 70. Jordan Filipov
71. Boris Gaganelov 72. Kiril Ivkov 73. Peter Jekov 74. Dobromir Jetchev 75. Todor Kolev 76. Nikola Kotkov
  77. Dimiter Penev 78. Simeon Simeonov 79. Alexander Shalamanov 80. Dimiter Yakimov  

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