Series 1 | Series 2 | Swop wallet |
Special Bazooka offers |
Football boots
- only £1.99 plus 5 Footballer wrappers.
Black Football Boots made with a split leather upper and a padded collar
with 2 white side stripes. Available in junior sizes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13 and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Send
£1.99 plus 5 Footballer wrappers to
Footballer Offer, A&BC Chewing Gum Limited, Harold Hill Estate, Spilsby
Road, Romford, Essex. Allow 3 weeks for delivery. Gifts subject to
change and availability. Offer expires May 1st 1974. Available U.K. and
Eire only.
Football pennant
- Your favourite English or Scottish League Division team pennant. Send
20p plus 5 Footballer wrappers... |
Plastic football
- only 40p plus 5 Footballer wrappers |
Player's shoulder bag
- With your favourite team printed on the
outside, available with all English 1st Division teams plus Celtic,
Rangers and International England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. When
ordering state the team you require and second choice (international
team). Send
plus 5 Footballer wrappers... |
Real leather football - only £1.00
plus 5 Footballer wrappers |
Satin team scarves
- only 50p plus 5 Footballer wrappers |
Team t-shirt
- only 60p plus 5 Footballer wrappers |